Exclusive Asian Dan Interview with Luck On Strike:– Have you two been involved in any bands/musical projects previous to Luck On Strike?
Gauthier : I played rock and funk before going to electronic music.
Bertrand : I’ve been in several bands before, but it was such a pain to handle egos, delays, etc.
I currently have an electro pop project named Computerpop for which Gauthier helps me too. We have lots of songs in progress for it, but it’s a side project since we are very busy with Luck on Strike.
– What instruments do you guys play?
Gauthier : I play guitar, bass, I sing, and I program synths.
Bertrand : I’m not a musician in the classical sense since I don’t know musical theory. But I learned keyboard and music composing on my own. I’m more a synth/sampler/software programmer. Maybe one day I’ll find time to learn musical theory, I could open new perspectives to me.
– I don’t know if you guys are familiar with Jon Brion the producer/songwriter/film scorer who produced all of Fiona Apple’s albums and produced Kanyeâs album Late Registration but he says that âHe can never escape the Beatlesâ. What artist do you feel that you can never escape or always look to for inspiration? Musical or otherwise.
Bertrand : I know Jon Brion for being the music scorer for Eternal Sunshine (Gondry) or Magnolia. Score Music is what I listen to most. It’s hard to list what influences us since it’s quite wide and numerous. But I don’t feel trapped by a sound or a band because I love too many different kinds of them.
Gauthier : Well, Daft Punk made electronic music a mainstream genre, and I think that we cannot escape them in the same way rock cannot escapes blues : the genre evolves, but the roots remains. This doesn’t prevent from writing good songs and find your own way and sound.
– What are your three of favorite songs/albums right now?
Bertrand :
1. The Buggles – Video kill the radio star (the production is incredible)
2. Daft Punk – Discovery (It showed that it was possible to make a true electronic music album very popular. It opened another door after Homework).
3. Vangelis – Blade Runner OST (Incredible analog synthesis)
Gauthier :
What I’m listening to today :
1. Zoot Woman – We won’t break (track)
2. Pearl Jam – Vitalogy (album)
3. King Crimson – In the court of the Crimson King (album)
– What is your favorite piece of studio equipment?
Bertrand : We work apart most often, so we each have a home studio plus a third one for the vocal takes. At home I love my mac book, my Virus and my Juno 106.
Gauthier : My hand made vocal booth in studio B (studio A is home…). Great microphones and great preamps are useless without a good place to make the takes.
– What software/hardware do you use?
Bertrand : Cubase SX3, Kontakt for my drums kits and a bunch of freewares. Gauthier is teaching me Ableton Live.
Gauthier : I’ve tried some different kinds of software, and achieved the same sound on the output. So I came back to SX3 to exchange works in progress with Bertrand easily, but software don’t matter that much to me. Hardware is something else : I’m mad about vintage/modern guitar pedals, I love my Juno 106, etc. These are irreplaceable.
– I see that you guys use Ableton Live in a very âmusicalâ way like DJ Falcon, by creating mashups of loops and grooves.
Gauthier : Yes, Bertrand and I are preparing a kind of live mashup where we play against each other, to raise the pressure. Live is like a video game to me. We have controllers so we touch our laptops as least as we can.
– Any shows/DJ sets coming up? Any releases coming up?
Gauthier : We’ve been busy with production until now, but we’re going back to the stage soon. We’re in discussion with several records labels, so we cannot talk about releases now.
– I saw that you guys are fans of anime, what are your thoughts on the live action Dragonball movie they are making?
Bertrand : I’m not mad about manga, but I like it. I’m a bit skeptical about this project. It’s gonna be hard to translate such a popular and recognisable anime. I think that cinema has still technical limitations while anime doesn’t, even with the best effects. But I hope it’s gonna be a good surprise.

I am in love with this track, download and listen now!Luck on Strike vs. Jackson & His Computer Band – ArpeggioLuck on Strike 3 Song Demo samplerLuck On Strike Myspace