Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix will be out May 25 in Europe and out the 26th surprisingly on Glassnote in the US, a tiny indie label. The first single will be “Lisztomania” Tracklist below, looks like no “Twenty-One One Zero”, let’s hope there are more epic tracks like that on the album.
[audio:http://diestruktur.com/asianmandan/music/Feb%202009/08%20Twenty-One%20One%20Zero.mp3] Phoenix – Twenty-One One Zero
Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix Tracklist:
01 Lisztomania
02 1901
03 Fences
04 Love Like A Sunset Pt. 1
05 Love Like A Sunset Pt. 2
06 Lasso
07 Rome
08 Countdown
09 Girlfriend
10 Armistice
[audio:http://diestruktur.com/asianmandan/music/Feb%202009/Mind%20Dimension%20(The%20Blood%20Beetroots%20Remix).mp3] Tiga – Mind Dimension (The Bloody Beetroots Remix) *Link Removed by Request*
Cheers, DiscoattacK
Nighty Max is a producer/DJ from Barcelona. He sent me over “Iglou”, a feel good track that I can hear being played at the end of set. Great use of that string sample.
[audio:http://diestruktur.com/asianmandan/music/Feb%202009/nighty_max-iglou.mp3] Nighty Max – Iglou
Super epic in an 80s way. Justice-esque.
[audio:http://diestruktur.com/asianmandan/music/Feb%202009/NIGHTY%20MAX%20-%20INTRO.mp3] NIghty Max – Intro
We made this mix in the only 2 days off in the last 2 month of crazy world touring…mixin in Old Italian stuff with Rusko Dubstep and some fresh beat from our inbox…it seem like have pizza with spaghetti with Chocolate and Caramelle inside..strange…but sounds good!
Important : there’s jus one song of us!!!!! it’s a MIRACLE.
ciao a tutti, baci in bocca, salutateci la famiglia e stateci bene!
Checkout this ill mix by Australia’s own Harmonic 313. Super chill, glitched out 8-bit, Prefuse 73 vibe. His album When Machines Exceed Human Intelligence is out now on Warp Records. Also checkout his website. Great design and concept.
All music shared on this site is copyrighted by the artists and are only meant as samples, please buy their music,
buy their merchandise, see them live, support them, tell your friends about them, love them, cheers.