Nov 5, 2008
AutoErotique was once known as VNDLSM, the banger-tastic Toronto duo that brought you those great remixes of Rihanna & Chaka Khan. Keith, 1/2 of AutoErotique sent me over this bootleg remix of Lykke Li’s “Little Bit”, good stuff. The duo was just recently signed to Mr. Aoki’s Dim Mak Records and will be releasing a new EP soon. Let’s see what these Torontonians have in store for the dance world.
Lykke Li – Little Bit (AutoErotique Bootleg Remix)
Asian Dan Interview: Autoerotique
1. Who is Autoerotique? Why the name change from VNDLSM?
Autoerotique is Diet Dave & Keith Lite, they are the younger cousins of VND and his friend LSM
2. What is like to be part of the Toronto music scene?
Toronto is amazing in terms of music. We have so many amazing groups\acts breaking out, Thunder Heist, Nacho Lovers, Jokers of the Scene (Ottawa is close enough to toronto), of course MSTRKRFT & Deadmau5 to name a few.
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Oct 20, 2008
For all you Torontonians, this Thursday October 23, 2 Many DJ’s, Tiga, The Cool Kids, VNDLSM, Mario J and Nasty Nav will be killing it at the Toronto Island Airport as part of Fido’s Jet Session, a pretty crazy venue for a FREE show. Just text JET to 10987 and you are into the show.
Unfortunately I am stuck in Uhmericuh and will not be attending (But I will be seeing Soulwax/2 Many DJ’s and Late of the Pier on Fri in NYC). So everyone go for me and spread the Asian Dan love.
Here is a radio rip of Tiga’s latest track “The Future Mindimension” . This sounds so 90s UK Rave everything from the 303 basslines, 808 and 909 drum samples and the ridiculous vocal sample. I love it and am excited for his album.
Tiga – The Future Mindimension (Radio Rip)
Cheers, LA Friendly
Jun 26, 2008
Erol Alkan Presents Disco 3000Much love to Discodust for sharing this!Special 80 minute mix of spaced out disco, bubbling synthesis and balearic gems. A tribute to the days of tape edits and letting a single track play for ages…Made on 2 turntables with the aid of a 1970’s Cat Octave synth and Korg Stage Echo.
Erol Alkan: “i’ve put together a 80 minute mix of some disco vibes which are lighting up my stratosphere. i began mixing it up just for my own selfish ipod needs during a day off i had at christmas and only recently got round to finishing due to album commitments. most of the tracks are re-edited in some form or over, and i splashed some moody synth drizzle over some of the beats. i got another hour of this mix sitting about, dunno, i maybe save it for another edition. would love to play club sets more like this, who knows, maybe i will… anyone wanna do a party?”
Erol is a man of music. He does it all from DJing to Producing, he just loves music. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a piano virtuoso or is going to score a film soon.August 10 in Toronto, Erol Alkan, Soulwax and A-Trak are spinning as part of the TIME Festival. I am so excited. Soulwax AND Erol Alkan, two groups of men that just love music 🙂