Pink Stallone, a cosmic disco pop duo from New Jersey crafted this Micromix for Asian Dan in honor of man’s first steps on the moon. They are championed by Erol Alkan and Late of the Pier. Erol recently dropped a track of theirs on his BBC 6 residency show and Pink Stallone’s first 12″ was released on Zarcorp records, Late of the Pier’s personal label.
Download: Asian Dan Presents Pink Stallone’s “Man on The Moon” Micromix
Asian Dan Interview: Pink Stallone
1. Who is Pink Stallone?
Pink Stallone is two jersey kids recording sound in the abandoned house of a science fiction writer (seriously).
2. How would you describe your music?
A celebration of the failures of Futurism, in an abandoned house of a science fiction writer.
3. What is your first musical memory?
Like your first love, only much better.
4. What is the NJ music scene like and how does it feel to be getting more attention overseas?
There’s a NJ music scene? We normally stay inside. It appears as if like-minded individuals from all over the world have developed a heightened ability to locate one another, and we are grateful that such a process has enabled us to become part of a scene much larger and less literal.
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