Asian Dan


Music Video : Crystal & Teki Latex “Get It?!”

The Japanese quartet, Crystal returns with their “Get It” EP via the Sound Pellegrino team. “Get It” is a fun and playful track accompanied by Teki Latex’s goofy vocals and this absurd 3-D video game music video. Read this exclusive Asian Dan Q&A with Crystal from 2009.

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Music Video: Strip Steve – Breakin’

Strip Steve’s Delta Disco EP is amazing, it sounds like it should have came out on Roule. Crystal made this vid for “Breakin” – Pick up this EP if you do not have it yet!

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Asian Dan Q&A: CRYSTAL

Crystal is a very unlike addition to the Hooligan Disco sounds of Institubes records but they are a Japanese quartet that does a great job making a nod to the early electronic greats, Kraftwerk, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Jean Michel-Jarre, Human League, to name a few. There is something very quirky yet sincere about their brand of electro pop.

Crystal – Don’t Mind (Demo)

Asian Dan Q&A: Crystal

1. Who is Crystal? How would you describe your music?
MARS, Keita Onishi, Shinya Sato, Ryota Miyake. Our music is Techno or Elepop.

2. What are some of your influences musical or otherwise?
We love Human League, Depeche Mode, Jean Michel Jarre, Der Plan etc.. YMO was a great band too. But we don’t know them well. We like the exaggerated seriousness of the arrangements of the songs of 80’s. But we like folksongs, psyche music, krautrock, calipso, mambo

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Music Video: Crystal – Initiative!

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Crystal – Initiative!

Crystal are modern day Japanese synth band that channels the likes of Yellow Magic Orchestra, Kraftwerk, and Human League. Astrolabe’s brother is a member of Crystal. Their first EP is out now on Institubes Records.
Crystal – Initiative!

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