Asian Dan

RSS Phoenix – 1901 (Live Acoustic @ Eiffel Tower)

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Live @ Le Mouv: Phoenix – 1901 (Acoustic)

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Live on SNL: Phoenix – Listzomania & 1901

Phoenix was amazing on SNL last night. They got to play 3 songs too! Phoenix is definitely trying hard to win over the American market. The drummer is such a beast.

Also sorry all you international readers, HULU can only be streamed in Uhmerica. U-S-A!

UPDATE: For all you international readers check out the performances on Youtube after the jump. Thanks @samisateenager

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Phoenix – 1901

Huge. Dense. POP goodness. I expect nothing less from them. Zdar makes the drums sound huge. I love it and cannot wait for this album.
Phoenix – 1901

The Great Phoenix Mystery:
In the mp3 track info comments section:

“Looking forward the Colosseum” password = concorde

Any ideas?! Clues?!

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