Asian Dan’s Favorite Musical Discoveries of 2007

La Ritournelle, is all I have to say. It is a song that takes you on an emotional journey and leaves with a feeling of what could be and what could have been. Plus both videos are gorgeous. He is an amazing songwriter and I cannot wait for, Sexuality in 2008.
2. New Order
I have always loved New Order’s sound especially Peter Hook’s basslines but this summer I really discovered how good they are and decided that Temptation is my favorite song of all time. Oh and the fact that Radiohead covered Ceremony soldified their greatness in my eyes.
3. Hall & Oates
They were the original Daft Punk. Ha. I picked up their greatest hits after discovering how amazing the song Private Eyes was and I was blown away by how many hits they wrote. I would go through each track on the greatest hits and go wow that was them?! I cannot wait for their collaboration with Chromeo.
4. Todd Rundgren
The first song in Electroma is International Feel by Todd Rundgren the opening track of the the magnum opus, A Wizard, A True Star. Todd Rundgren is a songwriter/producer that has stayed under the mainstream musical radar but has produced everyone from Meatloaf, The Cars, to Hall & Oates.
5. France Gall & Françoise Hardy
Both these lovely ladies were proteges of the amazing Serge Gainsbourg and are quinessential 60s French Pop. They are defintely my favorite Yeh-Yeh Girls.

Aja is such an amazingly well crafted album. Peg blows me away especially Michael McDonald’s backup vocals during the chorus.
7. Alan Braxe
The Paradise – In Love With You, Stardust – Music Sounds Better With You. Genius tracks. I love the feeling of floating that you get when you listen to an Alan Braxe produced track.
1. Sparks – Tryouts for the Human Race
Justice spun this track when I saw them back in February in Paris at the Ed Banger Records 4 Year Anniversary party. I didn’t know what the song was but all I remember was dancing so hard to the synth bass line and that falling synth line. This summer I found out it was by Sparks and produced by the great, Giorgio Moroder.
2. Hall & Oates – Private Eyes
The hand claps are in the chorus are crucial and I believe that any song with handclaps are elevated to a new level that Daryl & John would approve of.
3. Stevie Wonder – All I Do
Stevie Wonder & Michael Jackson, thats all I have to say.
4. Van Halen – Dancing In the Street
The synth line in this song is amazing and you cannot resist to dance. Van Halen cannot be denied.
5. Alessi Brothers – Oh, Lori
At the beginning of the year I started listened to a lot of Andy Gibb, the younger brother of the Brothers Gibb (The B.G’s.) and decided to delve deeper into the world of Disco. This track by the Alessi Brothers is pop perfection. Everything about it is so pleasing, production-wise as well as songwriting-wise.