Mickey Moonlight : Promo Mixtape (Part 2)
Mickey Moonlight’s debut LP is out today on Ed Banger entitled “And The Time Axis Manipulation Corporation”. Mr. Moonlight has proven himself to be the most eccentric and versatile of the Ed Banger posse with his extreme musical tastes and eclectic DJ sets. He is capable of destroying dancefloors with mixes like this but is also to woo you into a trance with very introspective songs, so I expect his LP to fall somewhere in between – with his take on some psychedelic-hypnotic-disco-house that will move minds, hearts and feet all at once.
Mickey Moonlight crafted this Promo Mixtape (Part 2) as the antithesis to his club sets. Instead he throws in everything from Arthur Russell to clips from Twin Peaks to a synth cover of “Claire de Lune” to psychedlic-cheese-party-funk. So prepare yourself to be taken on a sci-fi sonic trip.