Feb 14, 2013

Prepare to dive into the deep end of #feels but don’t worry cause Mr. Catchdubs is the lifeguard on duty. Nick Catchdubs strikes back with the “Emotional Breakdance Music” mix entitled “Icy Grape” a proper follow up to my favorite “Crystal Park” mix. Bump it on this Valentimes day.
PS That artwork. A yung Drew <3
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Oct 10, 2012

Nick Catchdubs assembles quite a journey of a mixtape entitled “Crystal Park”. It is collection of vibed out tunes that represent the current musical climate as well as the weather that is falling upon us. Nick Catchdubs has a fantastic ability of assembling genres and tunes that I would usually not relate to but through the power of context and vibe I am instantly won over by the tracks. “Crystal Park” is a perfect example of such a mix. The magic moment of the mix is when he drops Miguel’s “Do You” and from there the mix just goes off.
May 18, 2010
Nick Catchdubs has made his rounds in the blogosphere and in the IRL music scene. From co-founding the one and only, Fool’s Gold Records to throwing the famed Flashing Lights party in NYC and everything in between, he is a man of many musical hats. Nick was kind enough to throw together this mix of some his favorite tunes at the moment as well as answering a few questions about his and Fool’s Gold Records musical mission. So sit back and enjoy Nick Catchdubs’ “Pink Lemonade” Mix (Ha! I just got it.).
Download: Asian Dan Presents Nick Catchdubs “Pink Lemonade” Mix
Asian Dan Q&A: Nick Catchdubs
1. Who is Nick Catchdubs and what is that you do? Why do you do what you do?
I guess the simple answer is that I am a DJ, musician and record label co-owner. I have worn a lot of other hats (designer, editor, writer) but not so much these days because I devote all my free time to the label and my own music. I have been DJing professionally for the past 7 years and have been running Fool’s Gold with A-Trak for almost 3 of those. As far as WHY I do what I do… I’ve just been obsessed with music and art and media and pop culture ever since I was a very little kid, this didn’t happen by accident. I would still be making my own stuff and thinking about different ways to put it out into the world it even if it wasn’t a “career,” you know?
2. You are co-pilot of the famed Fool’s Gold Records, how has the trip been so far since you guys took off? What is Fool’s Gold Recs main mission?
It’s been fun and satisfying to launch artists’ careers, and help our friends’ music make an impact in the world at large. The mission has always been the same: to share the world that we are a part of creatively – the people around us, our friends and peers, new talents we discover – with official releases that could really stand the test of time. To put out records that could transcend blogs (no offense) and individual scenes and genres, to build up the brand so that it really stands for something unique and high quality. If I humbly say so myself…
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