Miike Snow follows up their epic single “Devil’s Work” with a fun and catchy track entitled “Paddling Out”. This is a track that is more dancefloor friendly with a super simple and straightforward hook that will definitely get caught in your head.
Miike Snow’s sophomore album “Happy To You” is out in March.
The intellectual-Popsters known as Miike Snow have returned with a new track entitled “Devil’s Work”. The only way I can describe it is as a track you would hear at the end of a movie as the end credits just kick in. Syncopated piano chord stabs propel the song while a sneaky snare roll keeps Andrew Wyatt’s vocals a float. Oh and just wait for the horn section that act as a reminder of how epic/cinematic Miike Snow can be.
Just found this B-side/Bonus track off of Miike Snow’s fantastic self-titled album – I can see why it didn’t make the cut but it definitely showcases that the Miike Snow trio can produce any type of song in any genre.
Sinden does a tasteful and good job taking Miike Snow’s “Silvia” (a track that I feel is perfect and should remain untouched) and turning it into a dancefloor friendly track. The “Silvia” single/remixes is out 1.25.2010.
MySpace is slowly redeeming themselves with these fantastic live sessions. They capture Miike Snow’s epic extended live sound. “Silvia” is a standout live track that really showcases how moving and epic of a band they are. This might be the album of the year for me – too much good music came out this year!
What an amazing tune and interesting video. Just saw the band last week @ Mercury Lounge, NYC and was thoroughly impressed by their extended epic versions of their pop tunes. They were like Soulwax meets Sigur Ros.
Mr. Ronson transforms Miike Snow’s “Animal” into a chilled out dubby/reggae tune. Love the instrumentation especially the organ (reminds me of Elvis Costello tunes) Looking forward to Tiga’s Remix of “Black & Blue”.
All music shared on this site is copyrighted by the artists and are only meant as samples, please buy their music,
buy their merchandise, see them live, support them, tell your friends about them, love them, cheers.