Asian Dan Interview: Housse de Racket

Victor & Pierre of Housse de Racket were kind enough to answer a few questions of mine to shed some light on the epic pop rock that they create. Find out how they are connected to Air, Phoenix, Gonzales & Sebastien Tellier. Great guys and hope to see them on American soil sometime soon.
Housse De Racket – Oh Yeah! (25 Hours A Day Remix)
Houssee de Racket Myspace
Asian Dan Interview: Housse de Racket
1. Who is Housse de Racket? How would you describe your music?
We’re two guys who grew up in suburb of Paris, city of lights. We met when were teenagers at music school. Victor was wearing a Pearl Jam tee shirt and Pierre loved it.
We play stadium music in very small rooms.
2. What are your influences, musical or otherwise?
We love black music especially Stevie Wonder, Prince and (of course) Michael Jackson… but we cannot sing like them so we play very loud with huge distorsion on the guitar and a double kick drum.
3. The French Music scene is at quite a peak now, where do you see it going and are you guys going along for the ride?
We started playing music when Daft Punk, Air or even Phoenix started to raise. We considered them as (hidden) older brothers… So, it has always been part of our vision of the french music.
Now, Justice, Yelle, The Teenagers, Soko prove that something still happens in France.
We sing in french so we’re different from these bands. The past few months we realize that it’s not a problem anymore… We recently signed with a big english booking agency (Primary Talent) and we plan to play worldwide !