Asian Dan Presents Classic House Tracks According to the Word of Todd: Masters At Work

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Here is the third round of “Classic House Tracks According to the Word of Todd” by Todd Edwards. These next few posts will have a theme of tracks by the classic house duo Masters At Work who heavily influenced the Todd Edwards’ sound. Here are some words from Todd himself.
Masters At Work created an epic catalog of orginal productions and remixes beginning in the early nineties. I idolized them, I really did. The only club I religiously went to was the Sound Factory Bar on Wednsday nights to hear Little Louie Vega spin and he NEVER disappoints!
The perfect combination of keyboard playing and drum programming. They are both masters of their craft. Little Louie always reconstructed the songs they remixed. He would always use very jazzy musical chords while keeping the vocals in the song the same. It was a great lesson for a young and new producer like myself, “you can make a song sound completely different just by using different chords that still work with the melody, BRILLIANT!”
If that weren’t enough, there was Kenny Dope Gonzalez’ drum programming. To this day there is no drum programmer that I have more respect and admiration for. It was Kenny Dope’s drumming that inspired my muscial style.
When I heard MAW’s remix of St Etienne’s “Only Love Can Break Your Heart”, I was blown away! The swing Kenny Dope put on his snares and hi hats… I tried to immitate… yeah, not so good. However, others started to take note of my drum programming and the shuffling boardering on sloppy swing that my tracks had. Who would have thought that poor imitation would help me develop a sound? My track “So Real” on The Messenger ep was based on this remix.
St. Etienne – Only Love Can Break Your Heart (Masters At Work Remix)