Led Zeppelin didn’t write tunes everybody liked. They left that to the Bee Gees.
Sceanrio Rock – Both Gotta Move On (SebastiAn Remix)
SebastiAn and Para One are 2 of the new french touch artists that will be making some great tracks in the future and will definitely be making a name for themselves. Para One can be the next Aphex Twin but hipper. Para One has just finished scoring NAISSANCE DES PIEUVRES which showcases a more intellectual and introspective side to his music.
On the other side of the world, down under the Midnight Juggernauts are creating a new sound of shoegaze cinematic disco funk, just think if Alan Braxe & Kevin Shields decided to start an epic synth rock band in the 70s. Midnight Juggerenauts are a Justice fav and are opening up for them on their upcoming US tour. I’ll be at their show on Oct 20 in NYC.
Midnight Juggernauts – Shadows
Giorgio Moroder would love David Rubato, a Frenchmen classical trained in jazz piano who decided to start making dance music. This track “Circuit” is a live recording which is very unorthodox for a dance track these days. Notice the great slap bass. Funky. David Rubato is treating and manipulating all the sounds in real time. David Rubato is releasing a 12″ Single of “Circuit” that includes sheet music so that you can all play along and cover this tune. Check out his myspace where he posted some new tracks.