Asian Dan


Justice The Early Years: Microloisir aka Gaspard Auge

Xavier and Gaspard’s latest looks. Look at that hair and ‘stache. He looks like a 70s Asian Moviestar.

A compilation album from 2003 featuring early Justice tracks surfaced in the blogosphere a few weeks ago and the first ever Justice track “Sure You Will” made its way to the public. Apparently it is a track that Justice is not very proud about and they describe it is a tribute to the Buggles. The French band Poney Poney is also featured on this compilation.
Musclorvision – Hits Up To You –

Microloisir is the moniker of Gaspard Auge when he was rolling solo. This is a very interesting track. I wonder if Gaspard is singing.

Mircoloisir – Back in Your Eyes

Once again hats off to Buzz en Direkt for this track.

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