Asian Dan


Erol Alkan Interviews the Mystery Jets

Erol recently caught up with bassist Kai Fish to discuss the making of the Mystery Jets acclaimed album ‘Twenty One’ on the eve of their next single release ‘Two Doors Down’. As a extra special bonus, you can download the original home demo of album opener ‘Hide Away’ recorded way back in March 2007.

Erol: Kai! What happened? It’s been a long journey…

Kai: E! It has certainly been a long journey, and I’ve a sneaky feeling we’re not even half way there… How long did it take us to record? A year? I can’t believe it, it feels like barely a month ago we set foot in Konk for the first of many sessions. It’s definitely been a roller coaster, more nemesis in Alton towers than a stroll through an English park… I don’t think we could have done it any other way though, do you?

Erol: I agree. Being a second album, there’s a lot to consider, and I feel it’s a time where you really need to explore your own music, and edit yourself much harder, and it takes time. Rushing a second album is usually the death knell for many bands. We went through almost 10 studios, 5 engineers; we lost ‘Young Love’ due to a hard drive failure and had to rebuild it from fragments of audio..

Kai: Who would have thought… although listening back to the album now I think it feels very together, I certainly doesn’t sound like the journey it took to get there. I think it was maybe the way the songs were in such various degrees of completion when we went in to record them, that made the process such an epic one. Something to remember for next time!

Continue Reading Erol Alkan’s interview with the Mystery Jets & download a demo of Hideaway

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