Asian Dan


Who are the Dex Pistols?

So who are these two Japanese hipsters that get to hangout with Daft Punk & the Ed Banger Crew? Well they are DJ Maar and DJ Daruma and they haven’t released their productions/remixes/mixes out in the US and they only spin in Asia. So I don’t know much about them or can figure anything out by reading their blog/record label/clothing line site, Roc Star News since I can’t read Japanese. There are a bunch of photos of them chilling with Boys Noize, Intitubes artists, DJ Falcon as well a s bunch of photos form the dafunkfest Japan Tour ’07.

Scroll down and check out their post on the “COOL COOL PHOTO BLOG “COBRA SNAKE”, ha. Roc Star

Dex Pistols Myspace
The Lowbrows – Melody and Shudder (Dex Pistols Remix)
Courtesy of Kidz by Colette

Koboo – Basss (DJ Daruma on The Bed Remix)

Magdarise- Please Love Me (DJ Maar & DJ M.S.K.)

Remixing on the bullet train. I love the matching Macbooks all running Ableton.

Dex Pistols Live @ Fuji Rock 07

I love that they spin The Beatles’ “Hello Goodbye” at the end.

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